Daily Prompt, 4/3/2024

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?

I would run for the City Council or School Board if I didn’t have so many skeletons in my closet, but if I were significantly wealthy (and in the case of running for either, I’m realistic and know there’s no such thing as a free lunch), I would definitely contribute heavily financially to my community so it could afford things like actually getting another entire high school (since the one I used to go to has been through renovation after renovation since I graduated in 2002), have far more job opportunities than it currently has in pretty much every field for the experienced and inexperienced alike (since the job offers didn’t exactly roll in after I graduated undergrad college despite getting excellent grades), and so forth, among other things.

Daily Prompt, 3/26/2024

Daily writing prompt
How has technology changed your job?

It’s pretty much been part of every paid job I’ve had up to today, chiefly computer technology, but while artificial intelligence seems to be the next major thing, it hasn’t figured into any work yet, aside from some research in one of my past internships.

Art Dump, 3/7/2024

Also, I’ve decided from now on to upload my AI art, since I’ve done a ton, in batches to my DeviantArt Stash, since it’s a real pain trying to get the links and everything to them on my main gallery, so here’s what I’ve done lately:


A lot of themes in recent days such as the Alamo, a day involving remembering veterans, and Alexander Graham Bell Day today (hence all the furs talking on telephones; I tried to get real old-school wall and candlestick phones, but even Bing Create seems to be alien to those types).