Film Review – Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Disney’s Rey of Light

When the long-anticipated first entry of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, The Force Awakens, was released in theaters in 2015, it received widespread acclaim, with many critics calling it “a return to greatness.” However, as a longtime fan of the franchise, I disagree that the series ever “peaked” (an endemic opinion that emerged after the polarizing Prequel Trilogy), given the obvious overlooked flaws in the original films. Nonetheless, I continue to support the multimedia cash cow with my attention and money. The following year came the debut of the spinoff Star Wars film Rogue One, also well-revered, afterward the next mainline Episode, Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Major Spoilers for The Force Awakens

Despite losing Starkiller Base, a third Death Star in all but name, the First Order rules the franchise’s nameless galaxy, forcing the Resistance to evacuate their main fleet on the planet D’Qar. In a daring move, pilot Poe Dameron leads a solo attack against the First Order dreadnought Fulminatrix, destroying its critical cannons and creating an opportunity for Resistance vessels to escape. However, Dameron’s decision to defy General Leia Organa’s orders and attempt to destroy the entire ship leads to his demotion to captain. This is a significant development as it highlights the ongoing tension and personal struggles within the Resistance, particularly in the aftermath of Han Solo’s patricide by his son, Ben, who still identifies as Kylo Ren.

The film picks up where The Force Awakens left off. On the aquatic world Ahch-To, Rey presents the self-exiled Jedi Master Luke Skywalker with his old lightsaber. The legendary Jedi Knight casually tosses it aside and locks himself in his hut. This moment has sparked intense debates among fans, critics, and even actor Mark Hamill. Luke has been criticized for allegedly losing his character growth from the Original Trilogy. However, one should consider that Kylo was his nephew, his flesh and blood. As I am no stranger to the pain of betrayal from my biological family, I can empathize with Luke’s reaction and understand his decision.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Snoke questions his apprentice Kylo’s loyalty to the dark side of the Force and potential to become a worthy successor to his maternal grandfather, Darth Vader. Snoke sees that Kylo has “too much of his father’s heart” in him and disciplines him through various Force powers like lightning. Back on Ahch-To, Rey tries to recruit Luke into the Resistance against the First Order, mentioning that his sister Leia sent her. However, Skywalker insists that the time of the Jedi Order has passed, alluding to their downfall after the Clone Wars. Eventually, the Jedi Master agrees to give Rey a few lessons despite his pessimistic views.

After an attack by the First Order on the vessel Raddus exposes Leia to cold space, the long-necked and lavender-haired Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, portrayed by franchise newcomer Laura Dern, takes charge of the Resistance. Holdo disdains Poe’s warning that the fleet will run out of fuel, causing the pilot to distrust the new commander. Meanwhile, former First Order stormtrooper Finn, now a full ally of the Resistance, wants to search for Rey and joins one of his admirers, Rose Tico, to seek the Master Codebreaker in the casino city Canto Bight on the advice of Maz Kanata (embroiled in a union dispute) so that they can disable the First Order’s hyperspace tracker.

On Ahch-To, Rey and Kylo briefly communicate telepathically, hinting at a deeper connection between the two characters. However, their interaction is disrupted by Luke, who initiates her first lessons and enlightens her that the Force is not a simple dichotomy of light and dark, as previously believed. Rey uncovers a place beneath the island, steeped in the dark side. Afterward, she continues her conversation with Kylo, who compels her to find the truth of his descent into darkness and the subsequent rift between him and his uncle. When Rey ultimately departs, an old friend visits Luke, who urges him to transcend the past. He delivers the most iconic quote in the Sequel Trilogy, underscoring the film’s profound impact on the Star Wars narrative.

Poe assists Finn, Rose, and BB-8 in visiting Canto Bight on Cantonica, where they encounter trouble with the local police. While in custody, they manage to escape with the aid of the stuttering slicer DJ, portrayed by Benicio Del Toro, who is also a new addition to the Star Wars saga. DJ assists them in infiltrating the Supremacy, disguised as First Order officers. Despite their efforts, they are eventually apprehended, leading to a confrontation between Captain Phasma and the defector Finn. The First Order decimates the Resistance’s fleet, leaving only the Raddus. Poe challenges Vice-Admiral Holdo, who commands the ship’s evacuation to an old Rebel Alliance outpost on Crait, the setting for the film’s climactic battle.

Meanwhile, Rey takes an escape pod from the Millennium Falcon and surrenders herself to the First Order. Kylo Ren escorts her to Supreme Leader Snoke’s throne room, leading to a confrontation reminiscent of Return of the Jedi, where she tries to persuade Kylo to abandon the dark side. The leader of the Knights of Ren grapples with both sides of the Force. The movie culminates in the Battle of Crait, echoing the Hoth battle at the start of The Empire Strikes Back, delivering unexpected twists that conclude the eighth episode on a high note.

As someone who initially didn’t care much for The Force Awakens but believed Episode VIII was an improvement, perhaps the pinnacle of the Sequel Trilogy, my first rewatch solidified that view. Most of the film felt fresh; since I rewatched the movie on Disney+, I saw it in its entirety and could mercifully pause for bathroom breaks. Like its predecessor, the writing is nothing short of intelligent. It has witty banter galore, plenty of homages to the Original Trilogy, and characters on either side of the conflict, predominantly Luke and Kylo, being equally just in their motives. The gray area of the Force receives significant focus as well.

However, while The Last Jedi is nearly perfect, it shares the same issues as its predecessors, chiefly the sheer number of events that occur within the films (for instance, C-3PO no longer has the distinctive arm color he had in Episode VII). No specific trilogy or movie has ever been the main problem with Star Wars; yet, admittedly, creator George Lucas wasn’t entirely foresightful when expanding it into a franchise. Consequently, the numerous spinoff books and television series have had to fill in the gaps between the films, and many remain unfilled. Nevertheless, the second installment of the Sequel Trilogy is a pinnacle of the Skywalker Saga and the series.

The GoodThe Bad
Excellent acting.
Very intelligent writing.
Insightful sociopolitical commentary.
Engaging character growth.
Tons of great homages to the Original Trilogy.
Superb soundtrack and visual effects.
Still a lot of things that occur outside the films.
The Bottom Line
One of the high points of the Star Wars saga.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (finally)

The Star Wars Trek

Star Wars’ Expanded Universe (EU) has been a crucial part of its narrative since its inception, even before the release of the sequel The Empire Strikes Back three years later. This expansion was marked by influential books like Alan Dean Foster’s Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and a few spinoff stories featuring the beloved character Han Solo. However, when Disney acquired Lucasfilm, they “rebooted” the EU, invalidating all narrative elements without the original and prequel trilogies; the primary Episodes would be rebranded as the “Skywalker Saga.” Three years later, Disney released the first canon entry of the sequel trilogy, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a collaboration between Lucasfilm and director J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot production company.

Set three decades after Return of the Jedi, the movie introduces a new generation of characters. It revolves around the disappearance of Luke Skywalker after one of his rogue pupils annihilated his fledgling Jedi Order. His twin sister, General Leia Organa, leads the Resistance in defending the New Republic against the First Order, formed from the remnants of the fragmented Galactic Empire. On Jakku, a desert planet like Tatooine, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron discovers a star map of Luke’s location. This discovery leads to a chain of events, including the kidnapping and torture of Dameron by Kylo Ren, leader of the Dark Side-following Knights of Ren and successor to Darth Vader. A pivotal character in the narrative is disgruntled stormtrooper FN-2187, renamed Finn, who saves Dameron and escapes via a TIE fighter.

Kylo shares Vader’s dark sense of humor.

They crash-land on Jakku, escaping on the Millennium Falcon after the First Order begins an airstrike. The legendary vessel’s previous owners, Han Solo and his imposing furry friend Chewbacca, discover and board it, dealing with various gangs with which Han had conducted business. Afterward, the film cuts to political maneuvering at the First Order’s Starkiller Base, a planet converted into a superweapon (essentially a third Death Star, which the movie acknowledges, albeit capable of destroying entire star systems). Supreme Leader Snoke, who looks like a giant disfigured cross between Lord Voldemort and Gollum (with Andy Serkis ironically voicing the emperor stand-in), gives General Hux the OK to execute the weapon while questioning his apprentice Kylo’s capabilities as his enforcer (his reasons unfortunately spoiled to me by some jerkwad online before I saw the film in theaters).

The star map leading to Luke, harbored by the diminutive droid BB-8, is discovered to be incomplete. They travel to the planet Takodana to meet the cantina owner Maz Kanata, who is around a millennium old and offers the Resistance help. Visions of Rey’s past and the Jedi Order are revealed when she touches an old lightsaber below the cantina, which she allows Finn to keep. After a riveting speech by General Hux on Starkiller Base, the film’s dramatic high point, the superweapon’s fury is unleashed on the Hosnian System, home to the New Republic, leaving the Resistance by itself to face the First Order.

He could very easily be talking about many modern democracies. Try watching it in German, as well.

The First Order assaults Takodana in search of BB-8, with Kylo also capturing Rey and interrogating her at Starkiller Base. As the superweapon prepares to fire again, the Resistance launches a counterattack, with Han, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrating the base. Kylo is confronted with a vile but heart-wrenching climax, after which the Resistance attempts to destroy Starkiller Base from within, with Rey and Finn confronting Kylo. The film concludes with a cliffhanger showing an aged Luke that ties into the following episode, The Last Jedi. The emotional impact of these events leaves a profound and lasting impression on the audience.

Probably the film’s comedic high point, ironically a bit before the emotional climax.

I didn’t have many expectations when I watched the movie in theaters, initially released in the previous decade. The trailers did an excellent job masking critical points of the narrative (but again, significant twists had been spoiled for me), and the focus on Luke’s disappearance at least surprised me. At first, it felt like a glorified remake of A New Hope (which it often and admittedly is). However, upon rewatching, I found it superior and better written, with the dialogue being nothing short of intelligent, including frequent witty banter, plenty of callbacks and homages to the original trilogy, and one reference to the prequel trilogy (“Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using a clone army”).

The Star Wars franchise has always excelled in its sociopolitical commentary and themes, and The Force Awakens is no exception. Its chief motif is history repeating itself, freedom and democracy, and their perpetual struggle against tyranny, constantly being in flux. The characters, new and old, excel as always, with many, like Kylo, being very relatable and those like Han having had excellent growth between the original and sequel trilogies. While the sudden invalidation of the original Expanded Universe irritated many, the new canon has been just as enjoyable in many aspects.

Han probably had the best character growth in between the original and sequel trilogies.

However, The Force Awakens bequeaths many of the same issues as its predecessors, chief among them the sheer volume of events that occur offscreen, explained only in the canon books and television series, like C-3PO’s red left arm and the existence of the Knights of Ren themselves. Thus, the sudden dump of new characters, settings, and situations during the film’s initial release was somewhat problematic, with many books and series slightly filling the narrative gaps since then. There are also weird expressions like “moof-milker” (akin to The Empire Strikes Back‘s “nerf herder”).

Regardless, I enjoyed Episode VII upon my first rewatch, chiefly because it evoked many emotions from me, good and bad, and often hit home hard. I know its reputation has somewhat soured since its initial release, but I felt quite the opposite and think its themes could easily apply to today’s world. The characters and writing are superb, with the music and visual effects excelling as they always have throughout the Star Wars franchise. However, it inherits many problems from its predecessors, like the endless events occurring without the films. Even so, I was blown away by the movie when I rewatched it and will happily rewatch the following Episodes and the trilogies before.

The Good

  • Brought Star Wars to a new generation of fans.
  • Excellent characters.
  • Superb sociopolitical themes.
  • Heart-rending climax.
  • John Williams rocks as always.
  • Beautiful effects and battles.

The Bad

  • Basically a glorified remake of A New Hope.
  • Some questionable plot elements.
  • WTF is a “moof-milker?”
  • Way too many things that occur offscreen.

The Bottom Line

A great start to the sequel trilogy.

Star Wars: Aftermath

Aftermath (Star Wars: Aftermath, #1)

Aftermath by Chuck Wendig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Aftermath was one of the first canon Star Wars books occurring after Return of the Jedi but before The Force Awakens(which its publishers promoted as part of a Journey to Episode VII). The Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Second Death Star, and Emperor Sheev Palpatine and his lethal enforcer, fellow Sith Lord Darth Vader, are dead. While some systems across the galaxy celebrate, the remnants of the Empire tighten their clutch on others, with the rebels engaging the fractured forces. However, a rebel scout encounters a secret meeting with top Imperial leaders spearheaded by Admiral Rae Sloane and Grand Moff Valco Pandion.

In the prologue, Admiral Ackbar, one of the heroes of the Battle of Endor, indicates that while the rebellion against the Galactic Empire has ended, the war has just begun. In the first of the main chapters, Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles breaks out of hyperspace near an Imperial Star Destroyer overseen by Admiral Sloane, where he becomes a captive of the surviving Imperial Forces. The remnants of the Empire have the planet of Akiva in their sights, where Temmin Wexley runs a shop out of his old home and reunites with his mother Norra, with whom he eludes Imperial forces, along the way meeting bounty hunter Jas Emari and Imperial turncoat Sinjir Rath.

Interrupting the main chapters are occasional interludes, the first occurring on Chandrila, home to the reinstated Galactic Senate of the New Republic. The next involves the Taffral family on Saleucami, whose allegiances lie between the Republic and the Empire. That which follows sees the new Chancellor of the Republic, Mon Mothma, who had headed the Rebel Alliance, at the remains of a village on the world of Naalol, where she proposes cutting military costs while diverting funds to training local planetary forces. Rebel hero Han Solo and his Wookiee companion Chewbacca have their own Interlude, along with veterans of the Anklebiter Brigade on Naboo, one of the chief settings of Episode I

Several parties loyal to the Rebel Alliance eventually join a battle for Akiva that is full of action and a few good twists, culminating in a satisfying read that indicates that the Battle of Endor at the end of Return of the Jedi was not the total death of the Galactic Empire, and began to fill in the long chronological gap between the Original and Sequel Trilogies of the Skywalker Saga. The X-Ray feature for Kindle gives some good insight into many of the characters and settings of the novel. In many cases, however, the reader’s imagination must fill in the appearances of some of the human and alien dramatis personae for those not versed in the multimedia Star Wars saga.

View all my reviews

The Mandalorian

The words "The Mandalorian" in gold.

The first live-action television series in the Star Wars franchise focuses on the eponymous character, Din Djarin, a member of the same tribe as Boba Fett (who would receive his own Disney+ series that settles his fate), tasked with protecting a Force-sensitive youngling of Yoda’s species, Grogu, from various entities, whilst dealing with the remnants of the Galactic Empire five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. A very gripping series that well evokes the feel of the films and has an interesting list of guest stars in minor roles such as Jack Black, Tim Meadows, and Ahmed Best (who plays a part that isn’t Jar Jar Binks), and nicely began to fill the gaps between Episodes VI and VII of the Skywalker Saga from its debut.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The very first Star Wars sequel, Episode V in the later-named Skywalker Saga, opens as with other main entries, with an opening crawl, detailing how the Rebel Alliance had to abandon their base on Yavin IV and seek another, in their case on the remote ice planet of Hoth, where Luke Skywalker, hero of the first film, is out on exploratory mission with his trust Tauntaun, only to get captured by a monstrous Wampa, from which he escapes thanks to the Force abilities acquired from his late Jedi mentor Ben Kenobi. Ben’s spirit orders him to the Dagobah system to find Yoda, “the Jedi Master who instructed me,” in which case when George Lucas ultimately expanded his franchise’s cinematic scope, he could have either cut Alec Guinness’s line short or added “when I was a youngling,” which the original Legends continuity would note.

Empire further expands upon the fledgling romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia, the latter describing him with the iconic line as a “stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder.” Han goes out and rescues Luke from the cold of Hoth, after which the Galactic Empire, with the help from probe droids, discovers the Rebel base, choosing to launch a ground assault with their cameloid walkers since their star destroyers came out of hyperspace too late, alerting the Rebellion to their presence and they got the opportunity to raise their energy shields. After my latest rewatch, it sort of makes the Gungan shield technology in The Phantom Menace somewhat make sense, where the droid army could walk through their shields but not shoot through them.

The Rebels are eventually forced to flee again, although given that we don’t see a whole lot of star destroyers on the Imperial side, it begs the question of why the evacuating Rebel ships felt they had to keep near their enemies’ vessels when fleeing, when they could have very easily just flew elsewhere off the planet, again bringing to mind that many science-fiction writers, Lucas included (and this hole would notably recur in Episode I), often seem to forget that space is three-dimensional. On the imperial side, Sith Lord Darth Vader seems especially interested in finding Luke Skywalker given his role in destroying the First Death Star and agrees with his Sith Master the Emperor (in which case I think replacing the holo of Madam Monkeyface with Ian McDiarmid was a change for the better), that he should be turned to the Dark Side.

In the meanwhile, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Threepio, and Artoo go on their own way, given Solo’s wish to rectify his dealings with Jabba the Hutt, and find themselves on the run from the Empire, in which case the trope of 2-D space does receive significant exception. Han and Leia’s romantic relationship begins to form, while Luke reaches Dagobah to begin his training with the diminutive Jedi Master Yoda, who initially feels Skywalker is too old to train, since instruction in the ways of the Force takes a lifetime, but reluctantly agrees with Ben’s Force ghost. Here arises the question of how much time elapses when Luke is training, along with Han and company eluding the Empire.

Han and his passengers find their way to Bespin where his partner in crime Lando Calrissian, and after a series of events, Luke senses his friends are in danger and wishes to help them, despite Yoda’s insistence that he continue his training. On a philosophical note, Yoda has the iconic line “Do, or do not; there is no try,” which Revenge of the Sith would contradict with Obi-Wan’s statement that “only a Sith deals in absolutes.” Despite Yoda’s warning about Luke breaking from his instruction, he arguably does better than worse in the end, given the events in Return of the Jedi that result, since he really didn’t jeopardize the Rebellion overall.

Luke’s visit to Bespin leads to his confrontation with Darth Vader, the end culminating in the legendary twist that’s been spoiled, imitated, and misquoted to death, which itself mirrored a major twist in Frank Herbert’s Dune, later played straighter in The Rise of Skywalker. In terms of tone, many have said Empire is the darkest Star Wars film, but I think Episode III is way darker, even if it has its narmy instances, since in Episode V Han and others really lighten the mood; even Vader has his moments. As in other films in the franchise, finally, John Williams’s score is notable (the music on Bespin being awesome, for example), and led me to watch the closing credits from start to finish.

All in all, Empire Strikes Back is very much a classic of science-fiction and space opera, just as much so as A New Hope, and is indeed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”, but critics and audiences often seem to confuse that with “untouchable”, and in many cases more appear to love “the idea” of the film instead of the film as it actually is, given the various issues with the narrative and to an extent the dialogue. It is very much a bucket-list movie and one of the great cinematic tragedies, particularly within its genre, although like Episode IV still demonstrated George Lucas’s inexperience as a storyteller, and newcomer Lawrence Kasdan’s as a screenwriter.

Star Wars: A New Hope

George Lucas originally wanted to make a Flash Gordon film, but couldn’t secure the rights, so he made his own science-fiction franchise instead, which was successful, even if the production of the original film in the series, ultimately subtitled A New Hope and numbered Episode IV of the later-named Skywalker Saga, was troubled. The film itself begins with an opening text crawl through space preceding main entries of the saga, describing the Rebel Alliance’s acquisition of plans to the intergalactic weapon of mass destruction, the Death Star (with spinoff film Rogue One showing this key event in the series chronology).

One of the Galactic Empire’s star destroyers pursues the vessel of Alderaan’s Princess Leia Organa, who is consequentially captured by Sith Lord Darth Vader in his iconic black life-support armor, although droids C-3P0 and R2-D2, the latter to whom she gave the Death Star schematics, escape, their pod spared destruction by the Imperial forces on account that there were no lifeforms on it, an oversight whose aversion would have ended the events of the original trilogy, and which the Family Guy parody “Blue Harvest” brilliantly points out: “Hold your fire? What, are we paying by the laser now?”

Threepio and Artoo’s escape pod lands on the desert planet Tatooine, an homage to the eponymous world of the Dune literary franchise from which Star Wars would filch other narrative elements, and they briefly separate before reuniting, thanks to the diminutive scavenging Jawas, at the moisture farm of Owen and Beru Lars, to whom they sell the droids and with whom their stepnephew Luke Skywalker has been living since his infancy, unaware of his lineage and power, given his stepaunt and stepuncle’s keeping him in the dark about his biological family.

Luke discovers the message Leia left for hiding Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who served her father in the Clone Wars, when tinkering with Artoo, who defies his new owners and makes for the Jedi’s residence, Luke following and rescued from the sand people by his old friend Ben Kenobi. The “twist” that Obi-Wan and Ben are one and the same is somewhat asinine, with how the aging Jedi adopted an alias that included his real last name questionable (although as his Disney+ series demonstrated, he didn’t get off scot-free), and personally, I think that just “Ben” as an alias would have done just fine and accounted for a better revelation.

Obi-Wan, when he brings Luke to his home, reveals more of the franchise’s critical backstory, mentioning that the Jedi had served the Galactic Republic “for a thousand generations,” which Episode II would contradict with then-Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine stating that the Republic had stood “for a thousand years” (which the now-Legends material would semi-resolve). He continues by indicating that his rogue pupil Darth Vader would betray and lead a genocide against the Jedi Order, with the Dark Times approaching and Galactic Empire subsequently rising. Kenobi also mentions the mystical energy source known as the Force, and gives Luke a keepsake of his father, his blue-bladed lightsaber.

The due visits Mos Eisley in hopes of finding a pilot to take them to Alderaan, finding Han Solo in a bar, before which two aliens for unknown reasons pick a fight with Luke, with Obi-Wan coming to the rescue though revealing his lightsaber in a lapse of judgement. Han boasts that his vessel, the Millennium Falcon, “made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs,” with many, such as the mentioned Family Guy spoof, noting that a parsec is a measure of distance, not time (and the prequels would use the unit correctly). Though Solo’s spinoff film would shed light on this, I personally think Han was an idiot just BSing about his ship’s capabilities.

Han also has dealings with the minions of crime lord Jabba the Hutt, including Greedo, who confronts the human pilot one-on-one and threatens to take his life. I honestly don’t care who got the first shot, originally Han, then Greedo in the 1997 rerelease, and then both shooting simultaneously in the latest version of the film. Being a writer myself (though I’ve rarely written fiction in the past few years), I occasionally like to change certain details to my works, so I can somewhat emphasize with George Lucas. The 1997 rerelease adds a scene where Solo interacts with Jabba, with a cameo by bounty hunter Boba Fett, that gives some foreshadowing.

In the meantime, the Imperials interrogate Leia as to the location of the Rebel base, the Death Star parked above her homeworld Alderaan, which they threaten to destroy if she doesn’t say. They blow up the planet anyway when she gives a false answer, and while it’s sad what happens to the planet’s people, they are somewhat unintentionally unsympathetic, since Leia made no effort before her capture to warn its inhabitants that the world might be a target for the Empire, and they make no noticeable effort to evacuate (and the planet didn’t even have a moon, so the space station was in plain sight). Were the station completely facing the darkside of the planet, I could understand how the destruction would have taken them by surprise.

Back on Tatooine, Luke, Ben, Han, and his furry friend Chewbacca fight Imperials to escape the planet along with Threepio and Artoo, going into hyperdrive to Alderaan and arriving too late to the destroyed world. The Millennium Falcon is tractor-beamed into the nearby Death Star, where its passengers elude capture, Luke and Han stealing stormtrooper armor and pretending Chewy is a prisoner, going to the detention block to free the captive Princess Leia. The Imperials ultimately catch on to the rescuers, and they escape through a garbage chute. Kenobi, before this, separates from the rest of the party, and confronts his old apprentice Darth Vader.

Most of the heroes escape, but not without the Millennium Falcon having to face off against several TIE fighters, after which Princess Leia rightfully suspects that the Imperials put a tracking device on the vessel, and given that the others aboard didn’t have the sense to change transportation or try to get rid of the tracker, she could have at least warned the Rebels on the moon of Yavin where their base was that the Death Star was on its way. Han’s ship reaches the base, and he leaves Luke, Leia, Threepio, and Artoo there while going off on other business, having helped the others simply for money involved.

The Rebels find through the stolen plans that the battle station has a weakness in an exhaust shaft leading directly to the core, where carefully aimed ammunition can set off an explosive chain reaction to destroy the mobile Imperial base. The Death Star does ultimately arrive in the system where the Rebel base is, although instead of simply blowing up the gas planet the moon was orbiting, which would likely have some sort of effect on the gravity, atmosphere or whatnot of Yavin IV (unless the planet it revolved around didn’t have a solid core), they decide to wait and circle the world to crush their enemies directly.

The battle which follows is awesome and flashy, even more so in the remasters, with inspiration from war films that predate A New Hope, although both sides of the war constantly forget that outer space isn’t two-dimensional, and one could easily wonder why the Rebels couldn’t simply fly directly towards the exhaust shaft instead of having to skim the trench before it. It’s also somewhat baffling that in the face of destruction by the Death Star, that the Rebels don’t evacuate their lunar base; were they confident they were going to win the battle?

Luke does succeed in blowing up the Death Star, although the logic in how this happens is somewhat flawed, as the torpedoes are shown moving straightforward a great distance before curving into the shaft. The Rebels win, several high-ranking Imperials deceased as a result of the Death Star’s destruction (but Darth Vader does get away), and the insurgents hold a victory ceremony on Yavin’s moon, ending the film. Naturally, the film’s phenomenal success would convince George Lucas to turn it into a franchise (though as holes that would consequentially emerge in the series would demonstrate, he wasn’t completely foresightful), an endeavor that continues to profit today, and I’m certain our descendants will be watching new Star Wars films and television series (not to mention reading many spinoff books) in the indefinite future.

John William’s score for the film and its brethren is notable, the theme played during the opening crawls of the Skywalker Saga movies having a motif like Paul Dukas’ “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” and a refrain like Tchaikovsky’s “Marche Slave.” Most of the soundtrack takes inspiration from Gustav Holst’s The Planets suite, mostly the Mars movement, other classical musical pieces such as “The Rite of Spring” influencing the score as well. The film ends, like its chronological and temporal successors and predecessors, with a remix of the opening crawl theme that led me to watch the closing credits to the end just to listen.

All in all, A New Hope is certainly an amazing film—there’s absolutely no question about that—but has serious flaws that need consideration before passing it off as an infallible masterpiece, such as its countless plot holes and questionable narrative choices that would plague other entries of the space opera franchise. It does also show its age in some respects, but doesn’t scream “the 1970s,” especially with the “controversial” aesthetic touchups effected since the original release, and while I think movies should be judged on their actual content and cohesion than influence and importance, positive or negative, it’s very much a bucket-list film, and a high point of cinematic science-fiction, even if it did show George Lucas’s inexperience as a screenwriter, which would of course continue into the following decades.