Daily Prompt, 4/23/2024

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

This happens with me all the time, the French term l’esprit de l’escalier, coming up with responses way too late, which is part of my autism. I can pretty much write a book about the times this has happened in my life.

The Aristocats

I rewatched this film in a semi-celebration of Bastille Day in France, where the 1970 animated film occurs. The main feline lead, Duchess, voiced by Eva Gabor, is designated along with her three kittens (with Marie especially popular in countries like Brazil and Japan for some reason) to be heirs to an estate. However, the butler of the mansion, Edgar, wants it first and thus tries to spirit away the cat family. In the countryside outside Paris, they meet the alley cat O’Malley, voiced by Phil Harris, who aims to help them return home.

A few musical numbers abound, including the titular theme song during the opening credits and O’Malley’s theme, which are good, even if they and the rest of the soundtrack date the film to 1970. Plus, there are maybe a couple of ethnically stereotyped felines (oriental and black) that necessitated a warning on Disney+. The movie is a classic from the Disney animation studio, although there are a few unexplained plot points, including the sire of the kittens. Not sure if it necessitates a live-action remake as the company has been keen on, but it is worth a gander.