Daily Prompt, 4/19/2024

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

American politics, since despite trying my best to avoid the topic like the plague, it absolutely won’t leave my mind given the traumatic experiences I’ve had with the subject around my own family and especially in the furry fandom. It’s a really triggering subject to me since it’s pretty much the story of my life, given all the dehumanization, invalidation, gaslighting, mockery, and whatnot I’ve endured as an autistic.

Daily Prompt, 4/16/2024

Daily writing prompt
What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

Washington, DC, because America’s terminally-cancerous political “culture” and “system” have been really detrimental towards my mental health, and just even the slightest exposure to US politics gives me suicidal thoughts, since American politics has pretty much been the story of my life. Having a politician as a father who can’t shut up about the subject doesn’t really help in that regard, either.

Daily Prompt, 3/2/2024

Daily writing prompt
What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

Probably my multitude of negative experiences on the internet, where I’ve discovered people tend to show their darkest sides, the time I’ve spent in paid employment, which really illuminated me to the lopsided nature of the United States economy, and my growing up with my biological family, which made me realize blood relatives aren’t always all that great.

Daily Prompt, 2/7/2024

Do you need a break? From what?

Yes, a really, really long break from my parents, since just hearing them communicate loudly and poorly and being in the same household as them really burns me out and is overall toxic to my mental health.

Daily Prompt, 2/4/2024

How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?

Growing up with my family really influenced my views on traditional family values (not for the better), being in the workforce in recent years vastly affected my views in politics and economics, many negative interactions online influenced my perspective on the true nature of humanity, and so on.

Daily Prompt, 1/28/2024

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would pay off all the taxes and other debts first, tithe my church, donate a tenth split among whatever charities I support (chiefly AbleGamers and the Video Game History Foundation), give another tenth split among the families of all biological relatives I know, and put the rest in savings as an “emergency” fund while still continue living the way I do, not lavishly.