Daily Prompt, 5/21/2024

Daily writing prompt
What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

Being a good person and contributing positvely to my community and society regarding art and literature, maybe having laws and schools named after me (though I wouldn’t want an excess of statues and paintings of me due to the whole “graven icons” verse of the Bible), and probably an ideology (regarding art, philosophy, politics, and video game design), among other things.

Daily Prompt, 4/3/2024

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?

I would run for the City Council or School Board if I didn’t have so many skeletons in my closet, but if I were significantly wealthy (and in the case of running for either, I’m realistic and know there’s no such thing as a free lunch), I would definitely contribute heavily financially to my community so it could afford things like actually getting another entire high school (since the one I used to go to has been through renovation after renovation since I graduated in 2002), have far more job opportunities than it currently has in pretty much every field for the experienced and inexperienced alike (since the job offers didn’t exactly roll in after I graduated undergrad college despite getting excellent grades), and so forth, among other things.

Daily Prompt, 3/30/2024

Daily writing prompt
If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

A school in my hometown, a state or federal law (that would prevent others like me from enduring what I have in my lifetime), or any kind of philosophy regarding ideology, politics, or specifically video games, since I have very unique takes on all of them.

Daily Prompt, 3/22/2024

Daily writing prompt
Who was your most influential teacher? Why?

Probably my eighth-grade algebra teacher, who had the look and demeanor of a real Texas cowboy, although he was well-versed in the subject. He had a snarky attitude towards whatever students were displeasing him or holding up class, but he was awesome if you kept on his good side and was a great teacher overall, and I ended up being head of my class that year.

International Women’s Day

March is Women’s History Month; today is International Women’s Day. Sorry, but the very idea of those things is sexist. Men don’t have their history month, and whites don’t have theirs like blacks, which is racist as well. Being of an “ostracized” group does not make one untouchable (as I’ll freely admit as an autistic), which is still a problem in America and the rest of the world, which falls in line with Paulo Freire’s warning that “oppressed” groups risk becoming oppressors themselves, as has often been the case throughout history (like various communist dictatorships, even Nazi Germany since the Nazis themselves were an oppressed political faction during the 1920s). I support the equality of everyone, not the favoritism or supremacism of specific groups, and from what I’ve seen, said groups are often full of hateful bigots themselves. If you educate a man, you educate an individual; if you do so with a woman, you’re just educating another person, nothing more.

Daily Prompt, 3/5/2024

Daily writing prompt
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

About two fortnights ago I really struggled with the programming portions of an assessment in my coding bootcamp, ran out of time, and had to be booted to another cohort using one of my four deferrals, but I did get some time off to work on my remedial material, take an online course about “how to learn,” and really refine my programming skills, so when the retest did come, I passed and could continue to the next material.