Art Dump, 4/14/2024

This is for one of my oldest friends in the furry fandom (I was penpals with her when LiveJournal was still a thing), and while we had our…disagreements, we were (mostly) on good terms.

I had done this for her as a birthday gift last year. She appreciated it when I showed it to her on FurAffinity, and another friend noted that she was surprised, given her ideological leanings (since many furs don’t like their fursonas depicted in…certain outfits, as I learned many times the hard way). Even if Reaux (the giftee) wasn’t sincere in appreciating my artwork, she was nice, so that sits well with me.

Some other art…

Been messing around with ideological art lately. Someone on DeviantArt thought my own political leanings were…vague, and I’ll acknowledge that I have strong beliefs in many directions, and as a result, I really don’t fit in perfectly with any specific ideology, party, or whatever.

Anyway, here’s the first.

My Christian views, as well.

And part of a new series I’m starting, called “Insanity is…”

Insanity is…

Art Dump, 3/23/2024

I was working on birthday gift art for a fur and his mate, but I made barely any progress on it over Spring Break and did this art today for a friend’s birthday:

Also, here’s all the AI art I’ve done since my last art update; there are some subfolders, as well:

AI art days in review, too:



Art Dump, 3/16/2024

A belated birthday gift for a married West Virginian fur two days ago.

Also, AI art is incredibly addictive, and I’ve got maybe a little over a thousand pieces on my computer, but I still need the time to save them into picture files so I can upload them to my DeviantArt stash.

Art Dump, 3/12/2024

No digital FireAlpaca art this time, just tons of AI art. Although I get fifteen prompt tokens on Bing Create, I discovered I can do a lot more, since even without the tokens, it doesn’t take too long to generate new art, and I ended up doing sixty sets. I also decided to divide them into folders on my computer and just give the respective images of up to four different pieces (which I first place into Freeform so I can more easily organize them before transferring them into FireAlpaca and saving them) numerical file names since it’s a pain to give unique names to every set. Anyway, here’s my set from today:

If any of you like specific sets or have questions about any of them, just give the numbers, and I’ll go into detail if you want to know anything about how I got the ideas behind them.

Art Dump, 3/11/2024

It took several days to do this since I was distracted by other things, but here’s my tribute piece to the late Akira Toriyama, modeled after Empyrea the eagle from Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. I used the old Imperial Japanese Army flag since the sun is in the center rather than the Navy flag, where it isn’t.

Also, I’m super-addicted to AI art, so here’s what I’ve generated in the past few days:

Here’s an example of anthro otters in Toriyama’s style:

Art Dump, 3/7/2024

Also, I’ve decided from now on to upload my AI art, since I’ve done a ton, in batches to my DeviantArt Stash, since it’s a real pain trying to get the links and everything to them on my main gallery, so here’s what I’ve done lately:

A lot of themes in recent days such as the Alamo, a day involving remembering veterans, and Alexander Graham Bell Day today (hence all the furs talking on telephones; I tried to get real old-school wall and candlestick phones, but even Bing Create seems to be alien to those types).

Art Dump, 3/5/2024

From now on, no more mass posts of images since it’s a real pain assembling all the tags and whatnot to do so, so I’ll just link to things I post on DeviantArt and in my Stash there.

Digital Art

AI Art

Art Adopts

A Boar Hiking Through the Wilderness