Daily Prompt, 4/3/2024

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?

I would run for the City Council or School Board if I didn’t have so many skeletons in my closet, but if I were significantly wealthy (and in the case of running for either, I’m realistic and know there’s no such thing as a free lunch), I would definitely contribute heavily financially to my community so it could afford things like actually getting another entire high school (since the one I used to go to has been through renovation after renovation since I graduated in 2002), have far more job opportunities than it currently has in pretty much every field for the experienced and inexperienced alike (since the job offers didn’t exactly roll in after I graduated undergrad college despite getting excellent grades), and so forth, among other things.

Daily Prompt, 1/3/2024

What colleges have you attended?

Central Texas College and Tarleton State University – Central Texas (which is now defunct). Though I really can’t say if it was worth it, since despite getting many of my degrees and certifications with highest honors, and my bachelor’s with an ending GPA of 3.93/4.00, the job offers didn’t roll in at all (and I was a CIS major). There were also a few things I was taught wrong about, chiefly web design, since while I knew then about HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), another critical component of websites, have apparently been around since 1996, but from the time I started my first website on GeoCities to the time I left college, I never even heard of CSS until the previous decade, so obviously someone lied to me.

Daily Prompt, 12/13/2023

Tell us about your first day at something — school, work, as a parent, etc.

My first day of college back in 2002, I wasn’t nervous or anything, and it was actually far better than high school, given that none of the people who had bullied me were there, and while I did have issues with the college;s transportation system a few times early on, college ultimately turned out to be an enjoyable experience.