Daily Prompt, 4/19/2024

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

American politics, since despite trying my best to avoid the topic like the plague, it absolutely won’t leave my mind given the traumatic experiences I’ve had with the subject around my own family and especially in the furry fandom. It’s a really triggering subject to me since it’s pretty much the story of my life, given all the dehumanization, invalidation, gaslighting, mockery, and whatnot I’ve endured as an autistic.

Daily Prompt, 12/28/2023

How have your political views changed over time?

I was far-right when I turned of voting age, and while I’m still fairly touchy about certain things, I suppose I’ve largely experienced a sense of ideological “woke” amidst America’s incredibly-toxic political climate, given the media and politicians seeing everything in black and white terms while completely ignoring the gray area, categorically refusing to compromise on anything, not respecting opposing opinions at all, gaslighting, dehumanizing one another, and so forth. Here’s my most recent result from politicalcompass.org: