Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Written by Union Civil War General Lewis “Lew” Wallace, the first fictional work of literature blessed by a Roman Catholic Pope (Leo XIII), and the inspiration for numerous live-action and animated film adaptations, Ben-Hur opens with the Three Magi: Gaspar the Greek, Melchior the Hindu, and Balthasar the Egyptian, visiting the newborn Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Twenty-one years later, the Roman Messala and the titular Jewish protagonist, Judah Ben-Hur, have a rivalry, with the latter being sent to galley slavery for life after a tile from a home whence he witnesses a procession nearly kills the new procurator of Judea, Valerius Gratus.

A few years later, Ben-Hur labors as a galley slave aboard a ship commanded by Quintus Arrius, who is fascinated by the young Jew and thus adopts him as his son. In Antioch, Judah sees Messala again and yearns to rival him in a forthcoming chariot race while hearing of a Messiah speaking of a greater kingdom, not of the Earth. The race transpires, but the results are contested, with northern barbarians dispatched to kill the Jew when he finds himself in an empty palace following the games. However, a maneuver involving his falsified demise allows him to escape.

Afterward, Pontius Pilate succeeds Valerius Gratus as governor of Judea, and Ben-Hur seeks his mother and sister, who went missing after the incident that led him into slavery in the first place. He eventually meets the prophesized King of the Jews, witnessing His miracles and returning to his former palace. Throughout the book, Judah befriends Balthasar’s daughter Iras, who talks of an escaped galley slave Jew who murdered others when they reunite. Messala’s fate receives its resolution, Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus, and the Messiah is crucified, having refused the throne of His ancestor David.

While I had read this around a decade ago, it didn’t very well stick with me, but I remembered some elements. However, I enjoyed Ben-Hur more with my recent reread. The historical and geographical tidbits indicate that Wallace did his research, with the names of the Wise Men and their respective countries of origin adding nice touches. I could well relate to the themes, within and without my Christian faith, and while there were many portions I somewhat skimmed, I could still follow the central plot well. Granted, much of the dialogue is awkward, such as “Unclean, unclean!” regarding lepers, but Ben-Hur is a must-read for any Christian book enthusiast.

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Daily Prompt, 6/6/2023

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Factfulness by Hans Rosling, and while I disagree with him on a *lot* of things (and it was written pre-COVID and Russia/Ukraine War), he definitely had some good points like not forming your perspective based on mainstream news alone, which would be akin to forming your opinion on a person based on a photo of their foot, and that the world, for the most part, the world is doing better than we think, and in some areas (though not all) has transideological appeal.

A People’s History of Christianity by Diana Butler Bass, which really spoke to me as a Christian, and as she herself is/was Episcopalian like I am, it really exemplified my view, definitely shared by many today, that many religious authorities throughout history have made the religion more about themselves than Jesus, and that his message of social justice has been constantly misinterpreted.

A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, since he didn’t sugarcoat American history at all, didn’t play favorites in terms of Presidents, really solidified my view that the U.S., its founders, its inception, its history, and all leaders and policies past and present are just as subject to criticism, judgement, and review as in every other country in the world, and gave credence to the quote “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

“I Sing a Song of the Saints of God”

For probably the first time in my life, a hymn in the church I attend had a substantial emotional impact on me to the point where I completely soiled the handkerchief I always keep on hand, specifically that in this post’s title, in celebration of Hallowtide, which has probably and officially become the most emotional season of the year for me. The main verses that teared me up, with the music really helping, were And one was a doctor, and one was a queen / And one was a shepherdess on the green and And one was a soldier, and one was a priest / And one was slain by a fierce wild beast, the former bringing to mind Elizabeth II’s recent passing and the latter my grandfathers and granduncles that had been in the military. It actually inspired me to write a supplemental verse, keeping in mind contemporary vocations, animals, and to an extent, the furry fandom, with my use of the term “Dark Lord” reflecting my affinity for fantasy novels:

Sing loudly the song of Jesus’ Saints,

Not all necessarily Men;

Free all those whom the Dark Lord taints,

Deliver them from their sin!

Many will be coders, writers, and artists,

Even creatures of God will be duly missed!

Those all who have done deeds, noble and true,

Let them rise to be Saints too!