Daily Prompt, 4/23/2024

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

This happens with me all the time, the French term l’esprit de l’escalier, coming up with responses way too late, which is part of my autism. I can pretty much write a book about the times this has happened in my life.

Daily Prompt, 4/19/2024

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

American politics, since despite trying my best to avoid the topic like the plague, it absolutely won’t leave my mind given the traumatic experiences I’ve had with the subject around my own family and especially in the furry fandom. It’s a really triggering subject to me since it’s pretty much the story of my life, given all the dehumanization, invalidation, gaslighting, mockery, and whatnot I’ve endured as an autistic.

Jesus Christ Superstar

(I watched this to celebrate Good Friday.)

Based on the rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, the first film adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar, directed by Norman Jewison (who had two years before directed that of Fiddler on the Roof) is an incredibly psychedelic take on the story of Jesus that screams “the 1970s,” rife with tons of WTF anachronisms (like a bus of hippies, military soldiers that resemble those of the film’s time, and a few air force jets, among others), and sizably focusing on historical/religious figures like Jewish high priest Joseph ben Caiaphas (whose name and biblical role I now know thanks to the film and his respective Wikipedia article), with bizarre takes on other luminaries like King Herod as well.

I don’t want to go into intense depth about the film. However, I will say that it exemplifies my belief that the quality of any form of media like books, film, television, and video games (for me especially), positive or negative, is almost strictly a point of view. Much of the music is enjoyable and sometimes catchy but frequently has abrupt instrumental, stylistic, and tonal shifts, with its other aspects having abundant WTF and YMMV moments. I found the film incredibly entertaining (but as I said, film quality is often a point of view) because I relate to the story of Jesus as an autistic (like being seen as delusional and ostracized by my kind) and have certain biases regarding the religious commentary, in which case it very much deserved the criticism from religious groups it got at its time of release.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie but can easily understand why and how many others would feel otherwise.

Daily Prompt, 3/29/2024

Daily writing prompt
What makes you laugh?

It depends. Pun-based humor, humor that comes out of absolutely nowhere, themes in fictitious works (books, television, movies) that resound well with me, and I’ll admit humor directed against certain groups that really displease me (but definitely not that which truly triggers me, since I’ll admit as an autistic, I don’t find certain things funny at all).

The Foundations of Trauma and How to Heal from It

The Foundations of Trauma and How to Heal from It

I expressed interest in this guide from The Depression Project since I had experienced my share of trauma throughout my lifetime, especially when I accustomed myself to the World Wide Web as it was gaining ground, even before the widespread use of social media. The introduction defines trauma not as an event but rather as how an event overwhelms the body’s capacity to process what is happening. Part one details how to map and regulate the nervous system; chief nervous components include the ventral portion that dictates one’s presence, the sympathetic sector that focuses on mobility, and the dorsal area that involves emotional shutdown.

Part two assists readers in creating dorsal toolkits, opening by mentioning both negative physical and mental feelings when the area is in shutdown mode. Comfort activities can counteract shutdown, including diaphragmatic breathing, telling oneself grounding statements to remain in the present, and aromatherapy. The chapter further suggests techniques like mindfulness exercises (which encompass what one feels, hears, smells, and tastes), gentle mobility like stretching or swaying and connecting with others who register as safe for oneself. Other methods include finding positives in the current environment and journaling things for which one is grateful.

The third section aids the reader in producing a “sympathetic toolkit” to counteract situations like one’s system being mobilized by racing thoughts, with several viable strategies to help one restore their system to safety. The chapter suggests positively reframing racing thoughts and asking the golden question: “If a friend were in my position, would I be telling them the same negative things that I’m currently telling myself?” The book defines cognitive distortions as twisted thought patterns grounded not in reality but in bias, and filter thinking focuses solely on the negative. The final part focuses on anchoring oneself in a mentally safe spot.

Ultimately, I found this to be an illuminating read on overcoming past trauma and learned the critical sectors of the nervous system, alongside terminology for negative thought patterns. However, I was aware of techniques to counter negative feelings, like deep breathing and journaling. I also didn’t care much for the segments that involved providing answer lists in between subsections. As the guide further notes, not every strategy will work for every person; as an autistic, I often struggle with attempts to remember the multitude of methods to counteract whatever hinders my thoughts. Regardless, this is an insightful resource for those wrestling with post-traumatic stress.

ted (TV series)

A prequel series to Seth MacFarlane’s film franchise of the same name, Ted follows the eponymous plush bear, whom MacFarlane voices (in a performance highly resembling that of his character Peter Griffin from Family Guy), is set in 1993-94, following sixteen-year-old John Bennett, Ted’s owner, and his family in Framingham, Massachusetts, with the stuffed ursine joining John in high school. The tone of the series is raunchy and profane, with tons of gratuitous swearing, along with endless crude humor, some being misogynous (but as a male, I find that kind of comedy funny, and a clever term for female-written books will forever live rent-free in my mind). Some political banter about events of the time also occurs, chiefly in the sixth episode, but is even-handed, with some fair points made. Overall, I enjoyed this series with its offbeat, if crude, sense of humor (which somewhat appeals to me as an autistic) and would happily check out the films.