Musical Soundalike of the Day, 4/29/2024

Something I’m trying since I’ve been having trouble keeping up in this blog, first a piece of music that sounds like a cross between previously-written pieces.

“Where Everybody Knows Your Name” from Cheers


The Love Theme from St. Elmo’s Fire


“The End of Your Adventure” from Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City

Let me know if the videos don’t work.

Daily Prompt, 4/23/2024

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

This happens with me all the time, the French term l’esprit de l’escalier, coming up with responses way too late, which is part of my autism. I can pretty much write a book about the times this has happened in my life.

The Legend of Whomper: Dreamcrafter

The Legend of Whomper, Book 3: Dreamcrafter

The Legend of Whomper, Book 3: Dreamcrafter by Chris Farrington

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The third installment of author Chris Farrington’s The Legend of Whomper series opens with the titular protagonist, a chubby blue fox, seeking a healer for his instructor, the Edgemaster (or just “Edgemaster” as he’s awkwardly called throughout the graphic novel). After finding a temple of healers in comas, Whomper dreams of interacting with the rabbit Remmy, one of the eponymous Dreamcrafters, with he and Skyla flying to the jungle to another shrine where they sleep and enter the Dreamscape. Whomper reunites with Remmy while dreaming and is shown a system of visible dreams and nightmares where he can battle imaginary monsters.

Grescam, the Dreamdragon, attacks the dream city of Lagos-4 with Whomper and Skyla training so they can better deal with him. This includes tasks such as the fox fighting a doppelgänger in his dreams. Grescam reappears, after which Whomper travels to the god Lord Hypnos’ chamber, where the backstory on the Dreamdragon is revealed. Meanwhile, Remmy and Skyla battle the Lord of Nightmares, and Whomper retaliates against the Dreamdragon with help from a mystical hammer called the Dreamsmasher. After the conflicts, Whomper and Skyla travel to Hammer Forge, where the latter goes to a bar to discuss her lover’s youth.

The third entry concludes with an entertaining look at Whomper and Skyla in prehistoric life, followed by a nice anecdote featuring minor characters. In summary, I enjoyed this graphic novel, an excellent continuation of its predecessors, given the second entry’s foreshadowing of its events. As before, Farrington’s character designs are cute, colorful, and unique, even if the story isn’t wholly family-friendly. Moreover, issues from its precursors return, like awkward dialogue and punctuation errors. Furthermore, all text is capitalized, making it vague whether important terms are capitalized at their beginnings. The story also didn’t fit my entire iPad, but I would recommend installment number three to those who enjoyed previous books.

View all my reviews

Review – Timespinner


The Wheel of Time, but Good

The year 2011 saw the founding of the videogame developer and publisher Chucklefish Limited in London, specializing in producing retro-styled games. Among their publications, developed by Lunar Ray Games, was the Metroidvania Timespinner, taking heavy inspiration from Konami’s Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and financed through the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter in June 2014. It was initially to be released in November 2015. However, the project’s scope led to delays to September 2018, initially on computer and PlayStation-based media, but it would expand to the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

As the game’s moniker implies, Timespinner’s narrative focuses on time travel, with protagonist Lunais, a Time Messenger, needing to traverse the present and the past to defeat the evil Lachiem Empire responsible for the death of her parents. The story has a few derivative elements and a point where I had to reference the internet to find out how to advance. However, the way the game tells it is surprisingly effective and never feels forced down the player’s throat, as with most top-tier titles. Many documents add nicely to the game’s background, with a slight hint of LGBTQ+ themes and multiple endings that add some lasting appeal.

Akin to the godfather of the Metroidvania genre, Timespinner features 2-D side-scrolling gameplay. Luna can equip a Main Orb and a Sub Orb, between which she alternates when attacking; a Spell Necklace that allows her to charge and execute magic; and a Passive Ring that allows for continuous skills, such as a pair of blades swirling about her and attacking foes. She also eventually accesses Familiars, who do their own thing and attack enemies, leveling occasionally. Killing enemies may drop items, some of which are necessary to complete sidequests, with Lunais herself occasionally leveling as well, getting money from both defeated foes and breaking light sources.

Sheldon Cooper definitely wouldn’t like this kind of cat

Throughout the past and present, Lunais can also find items that permanently increase her health, aura, and sand, the last of which she can use to freeze time temporarily, often necessary to use enemies as platforms to reach higher areas. Lunais can further equip headgear, a piece of armor, and two accessories; she can also purchase various items from shops. She may further find items that can level her orbs, with repeated use doing the same. The game mechanics are virtually flawless, aside from knockback endemic to most Metroidvanias (which can lead to situations like being forced to different chambers), with occasional bosses impeding Lunais’ progress, the Dream Mode difficulty allowing her to avoid death and fully heal when she reaches zero health.

Control also serves the game well, with easily navigable menus, enjoyable exploration, helpful in-game maps where players can place markers of different colors, and pleasant platforming. While one could argue that, in difficulties above Dream Mode, the player can waste progress if killed far from restorative save points, a buyable item allows Lunais to teleport to the last safe zone, which is helpful when she’s close to death. However, there are issues like the lack of a suspend save (which I could have sworn was in other game versions I played) and poor direction (in which case I had to reference the internet). Regardless, Timespinner interfaces with players like a dream.

Jeff Ball provides a soundtrack stylistically like that of the Castlevania series, with good use of instruments such as the piano and harpsichord. Tracks like “Masquerade of Hedonists” sound like they came straight out of the iconic Konami series (and could easily pass as being written by Mozart), with other pieces like ”The Broken”, the first boss battle theme, evoking a similar feel. Some voice clips include Lunais’ grunting when attacking and occasional laughter. The sound effects are also good, and while there are some silent portions, namely most cutscenes, Timespinner is very much an aural delight.

Books–check ’em out

The visuals also evoke Timespinner’s Castlevania inspirations, with gorgeous pixel art, character portraits prominent during dialogues, enemy designs, colorful environments, and smooth animation. There are a few reskins in terms of foes, the sprites mostly don’t show emotion, and equipment doesn’t affect Lunais’ appearance, but otherwise, the game graphically excels.

Finally, finishing the core game can take as little as three hours. However, there is a plentiful lasting appeal in the form of a New Game+, multiple endings (many of which one can view within the same playthrough, and the ending credits become skippable after being viewed once), completely mapping every area, fully leveling Lunais, completing the game compendia, in-game Feats, Steam Achievements, and so forth, so absolute completion can naturally take far longer.

Overall, Timespinner is easily one of the high points of the Metroidvania gaming genre, given its superb gameplay, tight control, engaging narrative, excellent soundtrack, gorgeous graphics, and abundance of side content, surpassing others in terms of quality. While there are negligible flaws in aspects like control and the visuals, and one may argue that it lacks quantity, it quickly makes up for in terms of quality. The supplemental content will also appease those who habitually complain about short games. I enjoyed the various times I played through the game, and I very much look forward to its forthcoming sequel whenever it is eventually released, if ever.

This review is based on a single playthrough on Dream Mode of around eight hours on a Steam Deck of a digital copy purchased by the reviewer, with multiple endings viewed, and 7/37 Steam Achievements acquired.

Score Breakdown
The GoodThe Bad
Superb Metroidvania mechanics.
Excellent lore and narrative.
Solid audiovisual presentation.
Plenty of lasting appeal.
Typical Metroidvania knockback.
Easy to get lost at times.
Some derivative story elements.
A lot of reskinned enemies.
The Bottom Line
A crowning achievement among Metroidvanias.
Game Mechanics9.5/10
Lasting Appeal10/10
Playtime3-48+ Hours
Overall: 9.5/10

The Great Wolf Pack: A Call to Adventure

I first heard about Great Wolf Lodge through several commercials and an episode of Undercover Boss (though I didn’t watch said episode completely), with the immediate attraction being the indoor water park chain’s lupine mascot Wiley Wolf, outfitted in an adorable boy scout/park ranger combination uniform. As such, I researched said company and discovered their anthropomorphic animal cast aimed at younger audiences. The characters would endure several aesthetic changes, the latest of which would star in a short movie, The Great Wolf Pack: Call to Adventure, released in 2022.

The film itself stars Wiley Wolf in his latest design as he joins friends like Sammy Squirrel, Oliver Raccoon, and others in an adventure that later involves a clash between two races with a claim to a territory. The characters are cute, the animation is fluid, the themes are relatable, and the voice performances are well-executed. However, there are issues like the general kiddy nature of the movie and lack of appeal to older audiences. Many “why” moments regarding dialogue and conversations also abound, and other oddities like Oliver having red panda parents come at the end. The theme songs during the ending credits are somewhat excruciating as well.

Still, it’s not a long film and is viewable on YouTube.