Gaming Update, 4/17/2024

Did some more exploration and quests, but got lost and had to reference the internet since I forgot to check a skeleton in an area I had visited to get a keycard necessary to advance.

When playing my Steam Deck portably, I can take screenshots just fine, but for some reason still not with my controller on TV…

Gaming Update, 4/16/2024

Continuing to plow along. Beat some bosses. Explored some previous areas I was unable to access. Finished a few quests. Love how the game tracks if enemies have drops you haven’t gotten yet.

Asked about my screenshot-taking issues with my Steam Deck, but haven’t gotten a response yet.

Gaming Update, 4/13/2024

I’m playing this on Steam now (and played it two times before, on PlayStation 4 and Vita) since there’s a sequel forthcoming, and I have really fond memories of the game, in my opinion one of the best Western Metroidvanias. Also one of the best Western RPG soundtracks of all time, and Jeff Ball really does a nice job mimicing the style of JRPG music (with the Castlevania series seeming to have been his biggeest inspiration).

Here are some screens from my first hour with the game.

Gaming Update, 3/28/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Finally reached Chapter 3, Sir Mervyn is out of my party, and Maribel’s back in, yay. She was a Jester last I left her, and I’ll continue to have her master the classes necessary to reach Luminary before turning her into a Druid as well (she had mastered Sage before she left). Shouldn’t be too hard a task to pull off.

I’ve only made minor progress on my Grandia HD review…

Gaming Update, 3/25/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Did all the stuff involving the Divine Shrine and now can use the Skystone. A cave has opened up in an excavation site, so that’s my next destination. I’m still a Hero, Ruff one as well, Sir Mervyn a Druid, and Aishe a Paladin.

No progress on my Grandia HD review today, but hopefully I should be able to do some more significant work on it tomorrow now that a major commitment has transpired.

Gaming Update, 3/24/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

All the islands are now in the present. Had to look at a guide to find out my next destination, the Divine Shrine, and I think I know where it is. I’m still ranking up the Hero class, Ruff is still maxed as one, Sir Mervyn is still a maxed Druid, and Aishe is still ranking up the Paladin class.

Making a little headway on my Grandia HD review…

Gaming Update, 3/23/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

I’m in the past of Buccanham, after getting the moss from the dwarfs’ cavern. I’m a Hero now, Ruff has mastered Hero, Sir Mervyn is still a maxed Druid, and Aishe is a Paladin.

Finished one paragraph of my Grandia HD review. Since I got a lot of other stuff out of the way today, I should hopefully be able to do more work on it tomorrow.

Gaming Update, 3/21/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

I’m in the past of Vogograd right now, and gained a ton of class experience searching for the treasure chest on the eastern peninsula. The Hero is now a Champion, Ruff a Hero, and Aishe a Gladiator. Sir Mervyn has mastered the Druid class, and I’m not having him go through any more vocations since he would lose access to said Druid abilities.

No work was done on my Grandia HD Remaster review…

Gaming Update, 3/20/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

I’m in the past of Aeolus Vale and got the Sacred Stone from the sanctum, afterward returning to town for a few cutscenes, and I intend to make a pit stop back to the present to bank all the gold I earned. The Hero is a Paladin, Ruff a Armamentalist, Sir Mervyn a Druid, and Aishe a Luminary.

Getting a little work done on my Grandia HD Remaster review…