Gaming Update, 3/6/2024

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Finally mastered the Warrior class for the hero, and I’ve changed him to a Martial Artist. Maribel has yet to master the Priest class, but Ruff has mastered Shepherd and is now a Monster Masher. Finished the flooded island past and am back in the present, finally getting use of the Magic Carpet and searching for the rich dude so I can get the Sizzling Stone. I’ll eventually get to exploring the present of the formerly-flooded island.

Grandia HD Remaster

Reached the eighth floor of the Tower of Temptation. Accidentally screwed myself out of getting a good sword on one of the prior floors, and can’t reset the revolving chamber at all, even if I leave the area with the extra dungeon. Ah, well.

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